dispatches from the world's smallest, sweetest kitchen

Monday, March 11, 2013

Talk About a Dream, Try to Make It Real

Like Springsteen, I believe in the Promised Land - mine just involves baked goods.  My Bruce cookies from earlier this year came pretty close.  And my mind has been racing (in the street) ever since.  I had ideas for more Boss-themed cookies and cake - I just needed a few special tools.  Lucky for me, my mother is a creative - and generous - genius.  And she is probably regretting the day she said that with enough time and the right tools you can do anything.

She started making her own cookie cutters last year, using pliers to bend a circular metal cookie cutter into other shapes.  She made me the anatomical heart cutter I used for this year's Palentine's.  In December, I emailed her and asked if she could make me a Springsteen silhouette cookie cutter.  When I didn't hear back from her, I sent a follow-up email to see how it was coming along - apparently she thought I was joking.  I never joke about Springsteen.  The design I wanted was too complicated for the size of cookie cutter she had been working with; so, I ordered her a refill kit for a "build your own cookie cutter" kit.  She had the tools - just needed the time. Et voila:

While custom cookie cutters are a newer talent, my mom has been stencilling for as long as I can remember, and while I was waiting for my cookie cutters to be produced, it dawned on me she could probably make some custom cake stencils - so I sent off some more requests of iconic Springsteen imagery, and last week I picked up the finished products, which, used with a simple chocolate cake and some icing sugar, result in THIS:

1 comment:

  1. These are really, really awesome. What a cool family project.
